Multifaceted Junior Software Dev

Hi, I'm Joseph Rashid! I graduated from App Academy's full time web development bootcamp in June 2024. I had seven months of accelerated education and learned how to use a large stack of development tools. I've spent much of that time advancing my knowledge and handcrafting projects. I'm looking for my first professional opportunity to work with what I love. I want to develop for online commerce, create strong foundations for websites, make UIs pop or accomodate more skills and serve with integrity and enthusiasm. Every day I seek to learn more and search for the brighter side of all I see.

Check out my tech stack!

  • Front End

    Vite + React.JS, React Router
    HTML5 + CSS3
    Jinja Templates with Flask

  • Back End

    Express.JS, nodemon
    Flask, FlaskForms (WTFlask ) and AWS S3
    SQLite3, Sequelize, SQLAlchemy

  • What else can I do?

    I'm pretty handy with intermediate JavaScript, Python and Raw SQL. I plan projects with KanBan boards and scrum. I'm teaching myself graphic design with GIMP

Here's what I've done at App Academy:

My group project during App Academy. Built with a Flask backend, SQLAlchemy database, and React/Vite + Redux frontend, this is a feature-complete clone of UberEats.

This was my final, solo project. A clone of BandCamp, this site features AWS S3 integration with a Flask backend and SQLAlchemy database. The UI is built with React Vite and Redux, and allows users to upload albums and songs or podcasts, or stream other artists' content, or wishlist it. Some elements are still in progress, namely the cart and mobile styling.

But wait! There's more

You can find my resume here! My blog will also be hosted on this site soon. I want to share my passion for web development and computer science with other learners.